Monday, October 13, 2008

Rock On!

On Friday we went to Kelly Clarkson and Reba with PJ and Kelly they had two extra tickets and were super nice and invited us along. Rickey was oh so "excited" and all the guys at the fire station gave him crap about having to go to the concert, but he was a good hubby and went. He said he had fun, he likes hanging out with our couple, the Casper's. We had super good tickets, we were on the first row on the lower bowl. It was really loud, and we all felt stupid and old admitting that a country concert was too loud! The opening act was so freaking funny, it was the girl from Reba, Barbra Jean. She was so good she even had Rickey laughing his head off! I have always loved Reba, she has been one of my favorites ever since I was young and I was so happy that she sang Fancy! I also become a fan of Kelly Clarkson, she was really good and appreciate her music more now than before.
Thank you PJ and Kelly for a hot date!


Kendall said...

im jelous i love reba!! but i can't be too sad because i have seen her in concert with brooks and dunn. that was a good concert!! did she change her outfits alot? the one i went to every like 10 min she was in a new out fit. it was fun to see all of them!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we're dating you guys! I hope we never break up!