Friday, October 3, 2008

Point to the Power!

I LOVE Power Point!!! I think that it is so fun. especially on the new Word Programs! It has so many more options than the old power point that I have on my computer. I really think it will come in handy when I am a teacher, because I will be able to create fun and entertaining teaching activities for the class. I can use music, pictures etc. so they are not too bored with just learning from the book. I am excited to learn the 50 Power Point activities. I have always looked at power point as "work" but now that we have "played" with it it is fun.

Finishing up the UEN was nice to get over with, for now. I was getting very worn out and sick of playing the UEN website game. I am glad that we got to discuss some of the main points in class. I know that the site will be a good resource when teaching. I know how time consuming and difficult the assignment was for me to finish and I am a pretty computer savvy person, so I can only imagine how hard this assignment was for some of the people in the class. I know that some really struggled, because I hear the troubles that I have. To me they seem simple, but I feel bad because they are really struggling. I think that this class is good for all of us because of all the helpful tools and information we are learning, and I know that we will all survive this semester!

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