Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ultrasound video of the baby BOY!

The ultrasound went great! The baby measured perfect. We are due June 14th! He has the sweetest little face and I am in love already! Rickey is already the most proud dad you have ever seen! I could not believe everything that they could measure! They checked him form head to toe for any problems and it was all perfect! Enjoy meeting the new baby! P.S. the first one has sound!


Kendall said...

so cute you have to tell me how you got it on blogger. i can't get it to save on the computer. i am so excited for you!!! isn't it crazy how seeing the baby makes you more attached to it.

Ben and Tracy said...

Well, there you go, a little cowboy to sport around those darling boots. How fun! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! He is definately a boy!! No question! I'm already in love with him!