Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rickey's New Love

So Lehi City is getting a new fire station that should open this summer, with that is coming new promotions. We are hoping Rickey gets promoted to Engineer, that is where his job is to man the fire truck. So he drives it to all the calls and if there is a fire he pumps the water, etc. Needless to say it is his dream to drive the fire tuck all the time. He always says "who wouldn't want that as their job?" I guess it is a boy thing??? He is currently in an Engineer Academy class with Lehi that he has to pass in order to be promoted. So far he has aced all his tests and quizzes and is doing very well. It is almost over and I am glad because between his work and mine and both of our school schedules we see each other rarely. But it does make the time we have together more valuable and we appreciate it more. So here are some pictures of the new trucks that will be going in the new station (I stole them from Jake, thanks!) Anytime Rickey sees these he gets all dreamy eyed and in love. I guess that he is in the right career!

1 comment:

Janni said...

oooh la la... but I think you're better looking :)