Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ry had to go in for his 2 month shots. He was so excited at the Dr. he was laying on the table kicking and wiggling all around while telling a big story. He had no idea what was to come. He weighed 10 lbs. 11 oz. and was 22 i/2 inches. He is in the 25th percentile. He checked out perfect! The nurse was so good and fast he had 5 injections between the two thighs and one oral vaccine, poor little monkey screamed and it was so sad.

Bella the cat loves to sleep in Ry's crib, I kick her out at night so she will not suffocate him, but as long as I am there watching I let her stay. Ry also sleeps in the "Gun Show" and "frog leg" position. I know he was like this in my tummy because all I ever felt was knees and elbows!

1 comment:

Audrey Henderson said...

poor guy. whenever i'm doing dog and cat vx i always think, man this dog is pissed, wonder what a baby would be like, now i know.