Saturday, August 29, 2009


Here he is smiling so big!

He loves to sit in my rocking chair while I fold and put away his clothes

He looked so peaceful I had to take his picture.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ry had to go in for his 2 month shots. He was so excited at the Dr. he was laying on the table kicking and wiggling all around while telling a big story. He had no idea what was to come. He weighed 10 lbs. 11 oz. and was 22 i/2 inches. He is in the 25th percentile. He checked out perfect! The nurse was so good and fast he had 5 injections between the two thighs and one oral vaccine, poor little monkey screamed and it was so sad.

Bella the cat loves to sleep in Ry's crib, I kick her out at night so she will not suffocate him, but as long as I am there watching I let her stay. Ry also sleeps in the "Gun Show" and "frog leg" position. I know he was like this in my tummy because all I ever felt was knees and elbows!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Back to life?

Today is my first day back to work. I am only going back part time, two days a week and only half days. Ry is being watched by my my grammy Taylor and Rickey, depending on what days he works. I was sad to leave him, but not too overly sad because I know he is in good hands and I will only be gone for a few hours. I also know it is good for him and me!

Ry is starting to smile, the other day he smiled for the first time when he woke up and I was feeding him. He had not done it since, until I had left to go into work for a few hours and I got home and he woke up from his nap and saw me and he smiled so big. I was feeling bad because Rickey has not seen his smile, even in his sleep, which he has been doing since he was born (he also giggles in his sleep it is THE cutest thing ever!). Well last night it happen, Rickey was talking to him and I was kissing his forehead and he was smiling from ear to ear. Rickey was so happy!

So Ry's favorite thing is the bath tub. He loves it and would live there if I would let him. He spends at least 30min. in there every night. He kicks, splashes and talks the whole time.

Ry went on his first fishing trip last week. We went to Strawberry, he loved the rocking of the boat. He did not catch any fish but he did catch a lot of ZZZZZZZZZ! HA HA lame of me!

Daddy with his little man!

Ry with his best buddy Coleman!

So sleepy!
Wow I look HOT!

Splish Splash!