So we had the appt yesterday and not much had changed. I was still just 1cm and 50% effaced. Their concern was that my uterus was only measuring 35cm and it should be at least 37cm since I am 39weeks. This is the 3rd week that I have only measured 35cm, so they did an ultrasound to make sure my fluid was okay. It measured ok, but his measurements were small and he measured to be more of the size of a 36 1/2 week old baby. They figured him to weigh 6lbs 11oz. So they do
not change my date, because they say that at this point genetics take over and he will just be a small baby. So I go back next Tuesday. They gave me some pics of the ultrasound, he has chubby cheeks and his mommy's big head, LOL! Oh and he is still a boy! So they just said lots of walking, so I started walking 45min each night, and last night, I did have contractions, but nothing too alarming! So that is what is going on, we will keep ya posted!