Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baby Rylan

Here are some pics of the little man. I will try to update more often! I am just having too much fun with the little man!

Baby Rylan will be one month old on Saturday, I cannot believe it! I love him so much and it has been such an adventure getting to know him and learning his routine!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Baby Rylan

It all started Wednesday t 2:00 in the morning. I started having contrations, I did not think anything of them, until about 6:30, I started timing them and they were 4-6 min. apart and about 35 seconds long. I just figured I would give it a little while and see if they went away. Well at 9:30 am I decided that I may be in labor so I called my doctor and they said if I had more than 5 contractions in one hour I needed to go to labor and delivery. Rickey had just gotten off of shift and he was just waiting for my signal to take me in. I gave him the signal and we were off. Once there they hooked me up to the moniors and checked me. I was 2cm and 80% thinned out. So they said that they would check me in an hour and if I was dialated another cm, the would admit me. Well about 35 min into waiting, they came in and said that I had sealed my ticket and I was staying. So I was admitted and given some Potocin to make my contractions stronger. They started getting stronger, but his heartrate dwould drop when I had a really strong one. So Dr. Smith came over and broke my water about 1:00, she said that baby had the "3 strikes he is out rule" so if his hear rated dropped one more time he was coming out then. Then soon after, I had decided it was time for the epidheral. My anesthesiologist was great and I did not even feel it. Baby was very stubborn, if I was to lay on my back or left side, his heartrate would dectease, so I had to stay on my right side.

During all this my mom was on a flight from Texas and was on her way. She ended up getting there are anout 5:15.

At about 6:30 my sweet nurse came in and said we need to place a scalp fetal monitor on him, because they were having a hard time reading his heart rate. Once they did this, his heart rate was still reading low, so she said I am going to call Dr. Smith and see what she wants to do. I told her that Dr. Smith had told me about the 3 strikes he is out rule and this was his 3rd strike. She then told me, things are going to start moving really fast, but it will be okay and we will get him here safely. So they then ran me to surgery and started prepping me. They were really efficiant and fast. They then sent Rickey in and that is when I got all teary eyed, I was fine before then, I knew that it was all going to be okay, but when I saw him and how concerned he was I kind of lost it. He sat there stroking my head and telling me it was going to be okay, his poor hand was shaking so bad. It seemed like only a few min, and he was here, his little cry was so little and sweet, it just sounded like a whimper. They then had Rickey come over and meet his new little man. They then brought him over to me to meet and as soon as I talked to him, he opened his eyes and looked at me. I was SO in love!

Baby was doing so good that they let Rickey take him down to the waiting room to meet the family before they bathed and poked him. He met Grandma & Grandpa Knuteson and Casper also Great Grandma & Grandpa Taylor. They could not believe how beautiful he was.

Rickey then took him in for his bath and poking. He was really good and did not even fuss except for his bath, and even then he just make little cry sounds. His hair is long and has a curl to it, his eyelashes are long and beautiful.

Rickey is doing so good with him, he was meant to be a dad. He even changes his diaper with no complains! He really has been a great baby and so loving. I am so excited for all the memories we will have with him.

Thanks to everyone for all of their love and support!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So we had the appt yesterday and not much had changed. I was still just 1cm and 50% effaced. Their concern was that my uterus was only measuring 35cm and it should be at least 37cm since I am 39weeks. This is the 3rd week that I have only measured 35cm, so they did an ultrasound to make sure my fluid was okay. It measured ok, but his measurements were small and he measured to be more of the size of a 36 1/2 week old baby. They figured him to weigh 6lbs 11oz. So they do
not change my date, because they say that at this point genetics take over and he will just be a small baby. So I go back next Tuesday. They gave me some pics of the ultrasound, he has chubby cheeks and his mommy's big head, LOL! Oh and he is still a boy! So they just said lots of walking, so I started walking 45min each night, and last night, I did have contractions, but nothing too alarming! So that is what is going on, we will keep ya posted!